Ubisoft Hires Advisors to Reshape Company for Stakeholder Value

On the heels of the recent shutdown announcement of the shooter game xDefiant, Ubisoft has made another announcement. They’ve disseminated an update about their strategic direction on their website, which proposes that the company has “engaged top experts to consider and progress diverse transformational strategic and capitalist options to obtain maximum benefit for stakeholders”.

Many may argue that this was not an unforeseen step, with rumors that shareholders were busy deliberating over buyout scenarios, and the Guillemot family hoping to maintain governance. The family currently owns just under 15% of the company – presently the majority share. However, if other shareholders can find a buyer interested in a significant share of the company, the status quo may shift.

This has not transpired to date, with the newly appointed leading advisors currently exploring the best options for the business. As stated in the announcement, Ubisoft “will comply with applicable laws and inform the market if and when a transaction materializes.” Meanwhile, efforts to lower costs will continue at the company.

Per the announcement, Ubisoft also plans to put renewed emphasis on “gameplay quality and engaging Day-1 experiences” – something they assert they are delivering with Assassin’s Creed Shadows by extending its development timeframe by a month and implementing player feedback. Time will tell how effective this will be.

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