This Week Will See the Aristeia Showdown Igniting the 3rd Closed Beta

Noobfridge is widely known as an avid admirer of tabletop games, especially skirmish games. He is eagerly anticipating the game The Hexadome: Aristeia Showdown by Blind Spot Games, who have already launched several closed betas, with the 3rd round of testing to take place this week.

This round, a few amendments will be implemented compared to the previous tests. Firstly, the PanO Arena has been revamped, with new sponsor ads and a jumbotron. Newcomers can also benefit from a newly introduced solo campaign tutorial, which also includes new graphics and enhanced tooltips to improve new player experience.

Additionally, Hexadome has added the French language option to welcome more players, and the team will be trialling a range of strategies to accelerate game progression if you found the pacing to be slow in the previous test.

For those wishing to give Hexadome a shot, simply head to the game’s Steam page and “Request Access” for the testing scheduled from July 11th to 16th. For those who have participated in previous tests, just sit back and wait. Access will be granted automatically on the 11th.

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