Open world MMO Past Fate focuses on optimization with its recent closed alpha patch

The Recent Closed Alpha Patch of Open World MMO Past Fate Emphasizes Optimization

The early access release of Ivy North Games’ Past Fate by the conclusion of 2024 appears questionable. However, this skill-based open-world MMO continues its journey and recently introduced Patch 0.4.9 in its closed alpha test.

The developers have informed that this patch is primarily about enhancement in optimization: “We’ve cut down the memory usage which should solve fatal error problems for those who experienced them when the game consumed excessive memory at startup. This patch also shrinks the overall size of the game.”

Patch 0.4.9 also brings a remodeled Blackfang Keep. It has been redesigned to offer smoother gameplay and to make it less complicated and confusing for the players.

It’s noteworthy that it is the third patch that Past Fate has introduced to its alpha version this year, following two earlier ones in February and May.


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