The Pax Dei Guide for Using Gold on the New Grace System

For those engaged in building and exploring in Pax Dei, you’ve likely acquired some gold in the MMO game. Although gold has been dropping from monsters in the wilderness, there was no real use for it. The Proving Grounds patch introduced numerous changes but failed to provide a purpose for Pax Dei’s gold.

Today, we’re given a first glimpse at Pax Dei’s larger marketplace blueprint that has been hinted at in earlier posts. Pax Dei’s gold, stamped with “Dei Voluntas Auro” (God’s Will is Gold) will serve as the main currency for players wanting to purchase and sell their homemade products. While engaging in construction with friends, consider designating a segment of your settlement for trade.

Users will have the ability to establish fully-fledged marketplaces or put together a few stalls to sell their crafted items. Advanced systems will let players browse the marketplace for desired items, and sellers have the option to restrict their stalls to guild members if they prefer not to trade with the wider world. The choice is yours.

Another application for gold was hinted at in the developers’ post: acquiring “Grace.” This is a new concept, further detailed by the team as “Grace represents divine favor, functioning as a resource for performing miracles. View it as a spiritual energy that lets you perform unique non-combat spells. These spells could be blessings that enhance your crafting and gathering skills or utility abilities such as quickly travelling to specified locations. Every character will receive a daily allocation of Grace upon logging in. Additional Grace can be acquired… by using gold for those who desire more.”

Additional details about Grace and miracles will be revealed in the future. So it seems that assaulting the castle isn’t on the horizon just yet.

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