It’s happened at last. The crypt beneath Karazhan in World of Warcraft has been a mystery for years, never used for content. But now, WoW Classic has announced that it will be transformed into a dungeon in the upcoming seventh phase of Season of Discovery, set to go live on January 28th. This feature is designed for players with high gear, so expect tough battles rather than casual discourse about mage tower ethics.
Additionally, the seventh phase will give players the opportunity to scout global Scourge hotspots ahead of the Naxxramas release on February 6th. Rune Brokers will sell runes at one copper coin each, encouraging all but the most ardent rune collectors to engage and enjoy. Keen on finding out more about the long-awaited Karazhan crypts’ exploration? Peruse full details about the patch in anticipation of its release. (Just a heads up – there’s no actual sunlight in the underground crypts!)