This week, survival sandbox game from Sand Sailor Studio, ASKA (try saying that quickly ten times), released a significant update that its fans were eagerly waiting for! …The option to abandon official servers and establish themselves on new custom dedicated...
Just before Thanksgiving, a thrilling new addition to Once Human, a horror shooter video game, was introduced. The closed beta...
Whether your aim is to leave your enemies struck by lightning, love, or water, the most recent update for SMITE...
Another unusual patch for MechWarrior Online went live last week. However, it’s not due to bugs but rather the series...
Although the old adage says first impressions are paramount, Blizzard enthusiasts clung to optimism with the confirmation of Warcraft III...
It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that I need to catch up and watch Mythic Quest. I’m aware that by...
When a game developer offers a season pass DLC pack on Steam, they make a promise to deliver future DLC....
It is common practice for the global version of MapleStory to mimic events and updates from its Korean counterpart. Despite...
The (re)launch day for WoW Classic is here, confirmed by Blizzard commencing operations this evening unveiling a slew of fresh...
A glance into the week’s events shows us exploring old records and enquiring about any significant occurrences. Specifically, we are...