In the recent Soulframe Developer live stream, Digital Extremes premiered a teaser trailer which provided a glimpse into what players can anticipate for the coming year. Among those things are public access to MMO‘s preliminary stages and a much-requested rideable...
With the arrival of December just around the corner, bringing with it holiday festivities, we’re also eagerly anticipating the release...
As part of the lead-up to Soulframe‘s Prelude 7, the latest Soulshorts video reveals that Digital Extremes is planning an...
As the Warframe crew gears up for the forthcoming Warframe 1999 update, they have shared their latest Devsteam presentation on...
During the Tokyo Game Show, the September Warframe Devstream was held by Digital Extremes, previewing forthcoming game updates. Included in...
Digital Extremes is gearing up to release Soulframe’s upcoming build, Prelude 6. They’ve provided a glimpse into what the MMO...
Indeed, there’s still some time left for the eagerly awaited 1999 update of Warframe launching this winter, yet that does...
The TennoCon 2024 event has been overflowing with scoops today. If the keynote and Soulframe demo passed you by, don’t...
The Soulframe team has uploaded a fresh Soulshort video where they discuss the forthcoming test build: Prelude 5. Upon the...