SMITE 2 showcases visual updates to its conquest map and shares a ‘general roadmap’ of update plans

SMITE 2 Unveils Conquest Map Visual Updates and Shares a Comprehensive Update Plan Roadmap

Ever felt that the aesthetics of the SMITE 2 conquest mode map require an enhancement? Hi-Rez Studios, the creator of the MOBA, offers a sneak peak of upcoming visual tweaks for the map too.

The said update doesn’t seem to be simply minor touch-ups, but aims to refurbish various textures, amplify lighting, and even replace or introduce new assets in certain instances. While there’s no given timeline for these updates and the showcased art isn’t final, it’s definitely worth watching out for in the embedded video below.

However, the map update is just the initiation for Hi Rez’s ongoing upgrade plan for the newly introduced 24/7 closed alpha. The studio’s “general roadmap” encompasses the addition of two new gods every three weeks, reintroduction of modes like joust and duel, better adaptation for new players, and a hint at enhancing progression systems. On top of that, the game has released a character study video for Jing Wei and has also indicated the comeback of a “dynamite” element for conquest mode as shown below.

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