Scary Star Trek Online Story Returns on Friday the 13th

Finding ourselves surprised by the arrival of another Friday the 13th. (To be honest, I only realized it was approaching when I checked the date for The Games Awards a few days ago.) Even though it’s not exactly a holiday, it’s still something to have a bit of fun with if you plan ahead. This is exactly what the Star Trek Online team has done. Today, they declared the comeback of the Hearts and Mirrors mini-mission to the MMORPG.

For those who haven’t yet engaged with this specific piece of content, it’s a time-limited horror story that “uncovers the aftereffects of some experimental research that’s gone wrong”. This isn’t new ground for Star Trek, as they’ve interpreted this theme since The Original Series. However, it’s a worthwhile way to have some fun and garner a reward simultaneously.

The Hearts and Mirrors mission is framed as a “story in one act”, enabling players to get through it all in a single go. It also provides that players can repeat the mission on various characters if they wish to do so. Even those who have previously completed it can play once again and obtain an additional reward.

Fear not if you’re faint-hearted. Hearts and Mirrors is not about blood and gore. It is simply intended to be a little eerie.

The event is already live today, and will generally run over the weekend, wrapping up on December 17.

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