Yes, in heels. Great.

Sanyaa, the newest character in Vindictus, is introduced along with associated promotional events.

Sanyaa, the benevolent noblewoman by day and daring thief by night, is the latest character to join the ranks of the Vindictus series. Unfamiliar with the concepts of pants or skirts, she charges into battle adorned in stilettos and wielding her weapon of choice – the lethal dual daggers. The promotional materials can’t seem to stress enough how deadly these daggers are, almost as if the phrase ‘deadly daggers’ might slip our mind.

The update, aside from introducing Sanyaa and her deadly daggers, also comes with three new events. These events rank from summer-themed fun challenges to a leveling chase event – an excellent way to motivate players to try out Sanyaa. And thus, Sanyaa is not only a noblewoman and a thief – she is also a bringer of events. Quite an accomplishment indeed, if she wore a cap, it would no doubt be a feather in it. Except she doesn’t sport a cap. Just the deadly daggers, as you may recall.

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