Preorder Livestream for Path of Exile 2 Announced by Grinding Gear Games

We are only a few weeks away from Path of Exile 2’s early access debut on platforms such as PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. In the run-up to this event, the creators, Grinding Gear Games, have been releasing videos to provide players with insights into this upcoming action RPG. However, apparently, this is not enough, prompting them to announce a Preorder Livestream that would further detail the game’s features.

The livestream is scheduled to kick off at 12:00 PM Pacific on November 21, where information about the Acts, classes, end-game content, among other things, will be unveiled. This, in conjunction with videos from the Path of Exile YouTube channel, should be plenty to get players up to speed.

The official release of Path of Exile 2 is set for December 6. Meanwhile, gamers can express their interest by wishlisting the game on their preferred platform.

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