Mecha PvPvE extraction shooter Synduality Echo of Ada opens headstart access to pre-order buyers

Pre-order buyers now have early access to mecha PvPvE extraction shooter, Synduality Echo of Ada.

In October of last year, we got introduced to Synduality: Echo of Ada, a Bandai Namco extraction shooter PvPvE game whose players pilot Cradlecoffins mecha suits across a treacherous terrain in a quest for resources. The game’s full launch will be on January 23rd, contrary to what is indicated in trailers, however, those who pre-ordered at a higher tier can already start playing the game ahead of the launch date.

Along with the soft launch came two new trailers highlighting the game’s single-player mission story and a kick-off cinematic, both of which lay out the game’s backdrop of the devastated city of Amasia and introduce, in a vague way, a few game characters drawn in various anime styles.

Paid head start became available yesterday for those who purchased the game’s deluxe or ultimate editions, while the title will become available to all after a week. In the meantime, the trailers mentioned above await your viewing pleasure below.

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