Creating a new video game faction is no easy task, as demonstrated by the latest blog post relating to PlanetSide 2. The game will soon introduce a New Conglomerate sub-faction dubbed the Legion of the Crows in the shooter game, including a unique aesthetic. The Daybreak team decided to shed some light on the process of crafting the faction’s unique armor. The blog provides an intriguing backstory of the Legion of the Crows, including their origin story, objectives, and chronicles as mercenaries.
Following this, the developers delve into the realm of artistic design and discuss how the game lore molds it. They delve into each armor piece and the various style options available, presenting a few concept arts alongside.
However, the armor designing process, along with a few other aspects mentioned early on in the blog post, continue to be works in progress. Specifically, the developers touch upon the ongoing progress of the impending server merge and the infiltrator rework. Both tasks turned out to be more complex than initially anticipated. Their commitment to perfection means they are diligently working on them, promising updates when they are about to be launched.
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