Pax Dei addresses more bugs, appeals to content creators, and outlines ‘DNS debacle’

Pax Dei tackles more bugs, appeals to content creators, and explains ‘DNS fiasco’

Pax Dei keeps its player community apprised with frequent updates covering a broad spectrum of topics via multiple communication channels. The highlight certainly being the recent third status update, addressing bug fixes related to malfunctioning clan invitations, delayed chat and recipe messages; along with continued probes into crafting complications, non-functional mining nodes, and the impediment to teleport to home shrines.

A new entry in the series, Story from the War Room, was added by Mainframe Technolgies. It offered insight into the recent ‘DNS Debacle’ event which elucidates another wave of login hiccups that led to a comprehensive examination of the game’s DNS authentication. A great read for those interested in the technical minutiae of troubleshooting game problems.

Lastly, the studio aims to popularize Pax Dei via a brand new content creator program that is currently accepting applications. The program offers a free game key and a chance for revenue sharing. However, not all applicants will be accepted and must have a minimum of 1K followers on Twitch or 2K followers on YouTube.

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