Elder Scrolls Online’s winter event, the New Life Festival, returns next week

Next week marks the return of the New Life Festival, Elder Scrolls Online’s winter event.

Mark the MMORPG Elder Scrolls Online as one of those that organizes a winter holiday sans explicit allusions to the actual world—meaning, no Santa in Tamriel. Yes, the New Life Festival is back this winter, commencing on December 19th.

“During the New Life Festival, players will automatically get a 100% boost to XP gain every time they enter the game, with no additional effort required!” ZeniMax Online Studios announces. “To partake in the festivities and bid farewell to the year with seasonal glee, complete the New Life Festival’s kick-off quest and procure Breda’s Bottomless Mead Mug memento” available through the complimentary quest in the cash shop or from Breda at the New Life Festival tent in Eastmarch.

The initial quest enables the event’s daily tasks; of course, repeatedly accomplishing these quests will earn you random seasonal rewards like toys, crafting materials, incense, recipes, décor, charity writs, motif pages, unique cloth bolts, and the Runebox for the Surprising Snowglobe keepsake. Gamers can also acquire event tickets to exchange for keys, a mount, a small pet, body markings, and a vast selection of mementos – yes, the snowglobe is included if your daily box luck is unfavorable.

If you obtain all five items from Neulaure the Indrik Vendor, you are eligible to barter for the Haven of the Five Companions house:

The festival will continue until January 7th.

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