Dungeon Fighter Online, a 2D sidescrolling MMORPG created by Nexon, is partnering with SNK to present an exciting crossover event that incorporates well-known characters and environments from “Samurai Shodown 4” and “The King of Fighters ’98 UM” in the DFO world. This event, named “SNK X DFO,” brings in new gameplay modes, special events, and exclusive collaborative items that merges the deep fighting techniques of SNK with the dungeon crawling thrill of DFO.
Features of “SNK X DFO”
- Arcade Mode: Players have the chance to take the role of traditional SNK characters like Kyo Kusanagi, Athena Asamiya, and Haohmaru to traverse story-driven dungeons within DFO. This mode has a progression system allowing players to unlock further SNK characters and gain rewards. Completing the mode unlocks a ‘Challenge Mode’, where players can race for the top spot in the fastest dungeon clears.
- Monster Fighters Mode: This fresh battle arena allows players to combat as one of 34 distinct monsters or as one of the four SNK characters in real-time PvP encounters. Success in this mode is attached to killing neutral monsters, defeating enemy players, and seizing control points, with top-ranked players rewarded with exclusive Party Frames.
- Event based on SNK Universe: By participating in event activities, players can gather Arcade Buttons that can be swapped for unique SNK-themed cosmetics such as Special Awakening Skill Cutscenes, Monster Cards, and more. Elite performers can earn global ranking rewards and special items like the Primeval Fusion Stone Pot.
- DFO X SNK Package: This special bundle lets players adopt the look of their favorite SNK characters while exploring the fantasy realm of Arad.
Despite its relative lack of success in global markets, Dungeon Fighter Online retains its position as one of the top MMORPGs worldwide due to its massive popularity in China. Although the English version of the game is regularly updated, the Steam version has an average of 151 players online in the past 30 days.
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