World of Warcraft, despite the cheeky headline, is beginning to introduce changes to the MMORPG‘s Mythic+ dungeon system. The fundamental features of these alterations already appear in Season 2 dungeons on PTR, and in the reward distribution system of the Siren Isle content update.
Blizzard identifies two major drawbacks to Mythic+. First off, due to the abundance of mechanics and the pressure of the timer, they seem too challenging. Second, the rewards gained through these dungeons are not commensurate with their difficulty level. This leads to a situation where non-meta static group members struggle to find partners for their fledgling Mythic+ expedition.
Interestingly, Blizzard attributes this predicament to Delves. They also subtly place part of the blame on us, the gamers.
In a recent blog update by the team, it was observed that players, lured by the higher-level rewards of Delves, attempted to leap straight into Mythic Level 7. This is because any rewards below the 7th level essentially comprised of Champion Level gear, which was readily available through Delves. Just possessing Champion gear doesn’t necessarily equip one for the rigors of Mythic 7, with its escalated health and additional affixes, says Blizzard.
For those starting small with 2-6 keys, the situation is further complicated as most players tend to focus on higher tiers, leaving these groups high and dry.
So, be mindful of not jumping into content aiming solely for gear upgrades. Instead, focus on honing your skills…well, here’s the gentle nudge.
The team will trial more changes in The War Within Season 2 mythic dungeons on PTR in the coming weeks.
Mythic 0 will now provide Champion gear from each weekly boss lockout. Enemies’ health in Mythic levels 2-10 will increase by 7% per level, a decrease from the previous 10% escalation. This change will not affect Level 11 and beyond, which will still have the 10% increment. The Xal’atath’s Bargain affixes will be shifted from Mythic 2 to Mythic 4. At Mythic 12 and higher, Xal’atath’s Guile will replace the revolving Bargain affixes, introducing the increased timer penalty for deaths that was previously a part of Challenger’s Peril, instead of an additional 10% health increase for enemies.
Final rewards in Mythic 6 would include Hero gear, and Gilded Crests from Mythic 7 upwards.
The implementation of this model is anticipated with a lot of curiosity. While The War Within was an enjoyable experience, it became difficult to locate Mythic groups eager to learn. It’s debatable whether these modifications will truly address the issues with the Mythic+ system, but there is hope that it could steer things in a favorable direction.
If you’re interested, the full post details the new rewards and affixes per level. Further details regarding the increment of the Keystone Legend achievement prerequisites that coincide with these changes are also available. In parallel, WoW’s Lunar New Year event is in full swing.
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