In addition to some exclusive tests, Mecha BREAK had a productive summer, featuring at events like the Summer Game Fest and the Xbox Showcase. The multiplayer mech shooter‘s performance was strong, leading to the scheduling of an open beta weekend in August. From today, you can apply for the beta on the game’s Steam page or official website. The beta runs from August 10th to 13th.
For those who have previously participated in testing (or have received special keys as a valued community member or influencer), there’s an opportunity to get a head start with a “Limited” beta test from August 2nd to 8th, before the open beta weekend.
While the primary focus of the test will be assessing server durability and performance with a high volume of players (a first for Mecha BREAK), it will also introduce improvements to the kill-time and battle rhythm in the 6v6 hero shooter. Additionally, a fresh mech named Stego will debut in this testing phase.
Testing will be accessible to players from a broad range of regions including North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region.
Customizing your mech and pilot is encouraged. Some were even designed by artists behind Metal Gear and Gundam series. Games can be played in teams of 3 or 6 in either 3v3 Arena, 6v6 Battlefield, or in modes hosting up to 60 players for PvEvP.