LOTRO’s Update 43: New Raid, Rewards & Deed Log Redesign

While the One Ring in The Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) may have met its end, Standing Stone Games and Daybreak Games have certainly guaranteed the excitement continues. After the grand Mordor finale, significant updates have followed bringing more exhilarating Middle-earth actions with today’s Update 43 patch release.

The prominent feature, Secrets of Utug-bûr, introduces a new raid, the Tier 1 Temple of Utug-bûr, to players. However, to participate in this raid, players must attain level 150 and possess the Legacy of Morgoth expansion. The following Tiers of the raid will be released on March 13th and March 20th, respectively.

For those who love the Birding feature since its implementation, they will find an added joy with the addition of over 100 new birds across nine new discoverable areas.

For enthusiasts of in-game rewards, the 13th Season of the Legendary Items Reward Track will be available in this update. Additionally, the Deeds Log has an upgraded look. The redesigned interface works with a tree format replacing the tabs system, and now allows for precise text searches.

Typical with MMORPG releases, this update entails a myriad of class balance alterations, bug rectifications, and more, all detailed in the complete patch notes.

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