The term “Bussing” in the realm of MMORPG might not be known to you if you’re a gamer in the west. In this part of the world, we’re more acquainted with the word “Carry” rather than “Bussing.” Regardless of the terminology, it’s the process whereby players pay an advanced player – often with in-game goods, items or other game currencies – to navigate them through a segment of the game. This is different from online facilities that collect actual money from you to access your account and complete content directly, which is typically prohibited, not to mention risky, according to most games’ user agreements.
However, the act of Bussing or Carrying is considered acceptable in some games, while others might disapprove of it. Up until recently, Lost Ark was within the acceptable category. They had no problem with bussing, though it was always conveyed as a risky undertaking. This is mainly because ones are never completely certain of the origin of the gold or items received as payment and, if found to be illicitly acquired, the assets could be revoked without explanation.
As of February 18th, however, advertising bussing through the game’s in-game party finder or Area chat will no longer be permitted. For the initial two weeks, the penalty for first-time offenders will be short suspensions and a warning. Repeat offenses will lead to lengthier suspensions. After the two-week period, suspensions will start at 1 day and could escalate to a month for repeat offenders.
This amendment in policy arises from the team’s efforts to render Lost Ark’s party finder more beginner-friendly and to stimulate more experienced players to assist and educate others. As part of this effort, Lost Ark is exploring ways to reimplement the previous Mokoko Bootcamp event as a permanent component of the MMO, with revised rewards.
This change coincides with the February update, which will introduce the new Wildsoul class and corresponding progression events. If you’ve previously used the bussing method, it’s advisable to read through the official post to understand all the specifics and avoid any potential issues.