Through financial reports, it’s clear MapleStory enjoys huge popularity in South Korea. What caught us off guard was the news that the game’s big enough to justify its own theme park attraction, slated to open in the first half of 2026.
“On its 22nd anniversary, Nexon is taking the MapleStory IP beyond online gaming. With Maple Island, both long-time fans and first-timers will get to dive headfirst into the magical world of MapleStory and its unique experiences.”
The new addition, aptly named Maple Island, is set to join the vast entertainment complex, Lotte World Adventure, in Seoul, South Korea. Maple Island’s offerings will include three attractions such as a roller coaster, family-oriented activities, themed merchandise and food, as well as an interactive area inspired by the MMO. If you’re a MapleStory superfan and you’re in South Korea next year, be sure to check out your new favorite attraction.
source: press release