In the wake of the “Awakening” overhaul in Dauntless, the Phoenix Labs team is taking a pause to address common player concerns and issues that have surfaced. Whether you’re a novice to the free-to-play monster-hunting game or a seasoned player, your feedback is not falling on deaf ears.
In a detailed post by the developers, a host of topics were discussed, ranging from veteran players’ grievances of having to “restart” to some extent, to the issue of loot boxes. It wasn’t a complete “wipe” for long-time players, but veteran and new players are essentially embarking on the same starting quests.
This move was deliberate. The team wanted all players, new and old, to learn the ropes of the new systems and weapon upgrades. The developers don’t plan to make significant changes on this front for now as they believe that the resources and expertise of veteran players will ease their transition. That said, the team is giving veteran players Golden Claws (radiant Strikers), Twin Suns (shock Repeaters), and Netherlights (umbral Repeaters) at the outset, to alleviate any feeling of wasted Tokens. The assumption was pouring resources into other weapons before getting these felt unfair.
Concerning the Hunt Pass, the team doesn’t plan to incorporate platinum (in-game currency) rewards into the pass track. There’s a chance you might get platinum from an empty Canister pull. The idea behind the Hunt Pass is to generate funds for future development, so no free tokens. The Hunt Pass feature weapon will be available separately later; the team’s challenge is balancing the timing with the pass to ensure a fair purchase value.
Regarding the addition of loot boxes to Dauntless, the team is sticking to their guns despite criticism. Their stance – it’s all cosmetic, optional, no duplicates involved, and the odds are shared upfront, ensuring player awareness.
On a serious note – if the items in the canisters (loot boxes) were truly enticing and guaranteed satisfaction, then they’d be up for individual purchase in the in-game store. Incorporating loot boxes is a questionable move, as they are notoriously predatory in nature. Frankly, Dauntless should not have introduced them. End of.
If you’re interested in learning about the changes in systems like weapon upgrades and talents, the post offers insightful breakdowns.
For a little extra enjoyment, the Frostfall holiday event returns on December 19th, coinciding with the rollout of the 2.1.1 patch that brings numerous fixes. The full post is worth your time if you plan to continue your adventure in Dauntless.
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