In the mood for love, EverQuest celebrates the season with its Erollisi Day Celebration, which starts today and runs till February 18. It is for the duty of the players to aid the Queen of Love in spreading love. The event kickstarts in the Plane of Knowledge, where participants will meet Emissary of Erollisi and Grimble Grumblemaker. Additionally, players should pay a visit to Halas to witness some contrasting letter composition – a blend of love letters and public complaints.
On the list of activities is also a visit to Farnjer in Misty Thicket, who is trying to shield his companion from facing a heartache. Lastly, in Overthere, MMORPG players must help Darenne K’Reil retrieve some stolen confectionery. And as always, the celebration brings in a host of Erollisi Day goodies available for grabs at the Marketplace.