In the final stretch of July, the Star Wars Galaxies Legends rogue server’s developers shared a dev blog discussing the past month’s game development – and onward. Despite acknowledging some delay caused by external responsibilities, they confirmed progress on the...
In the coming three days, Skyforge enthusiasts can try their fortune. The Roaming Merchant has made his comeback in the...
Artificial Core has begun the distribution of Corepunk alpha keys to pave the way for the fourth testing round of...
The time has come for Omeda Studios to remove the beta tag from their third-person MOBA, namely Predecessor. Even though...
There’s no stopping Nexon as they continually power their development for the looter-shooter game The First Descendant. In line with...
The The First Descendant, a looter-shooter from NEXON that is free-to-play, launched a new gameplay trailer on August 31st. This...
We regret to inform you that if you’re anticipating more updates on Valheim the video game, you’ll have to continue...
Substandard leadership influencing employees to bear the brunt is a recurring theme. At MMOBomb, we’ve been keeping tabs on this...
Enshrouded caused a stir in the sandbox universe early this year, attracting over a million users. They continued the momentum...
As of this morning, the 7.05 patch is live in Final Fantasy XIV marking the onset of Savage raiding. Players...