In recent days, the gaming emulation community was taken aback by a potential crisis involving the DuckStation, one of the most popular PlayStation 1 emulators. The creator of the software, known as Stenzek, made a significant change to the project’s...
The medieval city of Seoul is the setting for the new expansion of Land of Dawn, treating players to a...
The South Korean developer Pearl Abyss announced today a new and anticipated update for Black Desert Mobile, introducing novel monster...
Update to include continuation of the main quest and Vanguard cooperative style play The next significant installment in Diablo Immortal,...
When will Blox Fruits update? The new Blox Fruits update, update 22, is expected to arrive in the next few...
The game developer is set to participate in a South American event for the first time where they will display...
The Devs of Diablo IV Glimpse Upcoming Features in Campfire Talk The forthcoming Diablo IV Public Test Realm (PTR) will...
A new class is introduced in Diablo Immortal along with an uncharted territory, making the game the best mobile game...
This June is set to be special for Diablo franchise fans. Diablo IV and Immortal are celebrating their 1st and...
The core of Nessus will be explored by Guardians in Act 3 with the new Exotic quest, Encore. Recently, the...