Eventually, all paths in the realm of video game selling lead to one destination, Steam. It’s hardly shocking that Phoenix Labs has officially declared that their co-op action game, Dauntless, will soon be featured on the platform. Despite the lack...
In celebration of the recent ‘Neverwinter: As Above, So Below – Return to Pirates’ Skyhold’ update, Arc Games, in collaboration...
It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that I need to catch up and watch Mythic Quest. I’m aware that by...
Experience the vibrant festival atmosphere once again at Gamescom Asia! As the inaugural Asia satellite event of gamescom, the world’s...
With the introduction of new season 19 – The Scientific Forge in Fallout 76, say hello to some scientific experiments...
When a game developer offers a season pass DLC pack on Steam, they make a promise to deliver future DLC....
Everything we have observed from Stars Reach to this point shows the MMORPG‘s developers putting a lot of emphasis on...
Fan expos and convention events typically offer a lively and fun-filled experience. Annually, I participate in several but have yet...
The anticipation for Grinding Gear Games’ upcoming Path of Exile installment is nearly over, especially for those who’ve invested in...
It is common practice for the global version of MapleStory to mimic events and updates from its Korean counterpart. Despite...