AdventureQuest 3D Thanks Players with Updates and Goodies

Artix Entertainment is expressing its gratitude to the AdventureQuest 3D gaming community as the year concludes. In celebration, they have revealed a complimentary mount – the Frogzard Rider. Additionally, a new version of Doddery, the Frostval Doddery is being offered. They’re also making available various rewards through Beleen’s Birthday Shop and Artix’s Holiday Gift Shop. Plus, holiday contests provide opportunities to receive even more goodies.

Yet the MMORPG developers are not stopping at freebies and giveaways alone. The mail system has been updated as well. They’ve announced a substantial overhaul which now enables rewards to be sent straight to the user’s mailbox. Hence, it’s advisable for players to check their mail frequently to avoid missing any gifts.

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