AdventureQuest 3D Adds New Armor with Challenges for Players

AdventureQuest 3D has introduced a new Non-Playable character (NPC), known as Sir Sanrick the Swift, the Knight of the Sacred Wind, who loves speed. This is beneficial for MMORPG players wanting to increase their battle speed.

Players can find Sanrick in the Battleon Scholar district, and can inquire him about the source of his speed. To no surprise, the answer is his Armaments of the Sacred Wind. Sanrick is glad to guide players on how they too can obtain these items.

However, the journey to get this set isn’t easy. Players would require 7 Order Gemeralds, each costing 100 sacred rings collected from daily boss zones. This means players should be ready to invest some grinding time.

The Sacred Wind Armaments are level 50 Epic gear. The boots are spellforged which come with a bonus – a 25% probability to increase movement speed by 60% for 5 seconds upon every hit, allowing players to dash around swiftly.

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