Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in Warframe

To celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, Warframe is turning a little green. This signifies the comeback of the Shamrock Color Picker, enabling shooter players to add a dash of green to their Warframes for just a single Credit. The Color Picker will be back on March 26.

But that’s not all that players can expect. Similar to how Leprechauns treasure a pot of gold at a rainbow’s end, Warframe has the Pot of Platinum giveaway. Players can participate from now up until March 26 to have a shot at being one of three to win up to 1,000 Platinum.

Lastly, whenever there’s an in-game event, there are typically store discounts. Presently, the Infested Darvo Deals are making a comeback, giving players the chance to get up to 25% off items such as the Buonico and Phage, the Iliac Armor Bundle, and more.

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