The dawning of Spring signifies it’s almost time to commemorate Little Ladies’ Day in Final Fantasy XIV. As per tradition, the festivities are hosted in Ul’dah, overseen by the royal seneschal. Players wanting to partake in the MMORPG event should attend the Steps of Nald between March 3 and March 17.
The royal seneschal’s plans usually can be surmised from the event’s central artwork. This year’s edition might confuse some into thinking that previous artwork has been repurposed, as it features ARR Thancred and Minfilia. They are, however, outfitted in the new garb that will be handed out as the event prize. Perhaps this entails some nostalgic flashback? We’ll discover in due course. Worth noting, in Yoshi-P’s latest Live Letter, she stipulated that beginning with Little Ladies’ Day, art may depict Scions, even if not featured in the event itself.
In other news, those unable to attend the last Live Letter can find a more comprehensive breakdown in the official digest now available on the XIV forums.