Battle Aces’ Year-End Post Addressing Player-Pointed RTS Issues

To the players of the Battle Aces beta, a year-end developer blog has presented an analysis of the feedback received. It’s all given in percentages, showing what fans of the RTS enjoyed and what areas they believe require improvements.

However, the presentation of the data makes it challenging to understand how much elements were “loved”. To illustrate, stats showed 51% of respondents enjoyed the fast-paced gameplay, but it doesn’t specify what the rest of the 49% thought of it – whether they merely liked it, were indifferent, disliked it, or if this percentage simply didn’t express positive sentiments. You’re left to interpret the data on your own.

Areas in the game needing adjustments were also presented in percentage form. They consisted of four main aspects – shortening tutorial lessons, reducing repetitiveness, moderating the influence of opponent decks, and balancing units and controls. Specific feedback from players was included, for example, concise tutorials were proposed for easier game onboarding, and there were calls to lessen the impact of decks on gameplay.

In response to each disclosed area, the developers have proposed a general solution, like improving unit balance or introducing a broader variety in the game modes. However, they haven’t provided a detailed plan of action. Presumably, all these will be looked into more closely in the upcoming year.

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