Be an Official or Dictator in Stars Reach, Reveals Content Creator Stream

Hey, gang! Like me, if you’ve been tracking Stars Reach since its inception, there’s a lot to unpack today, but you’ll have to work for it. Some interesting insights about concepts like skills and exploration were shared by Playable Worlds’ Raph Koster and David Georgeson as the MMORPG progresses in its testing stages.

With expectations of a “go anywhere, do anything” experience, it’ll be noteworthy to witness what Stars Reach morphs into at its full launch. Hopefully, unlike past games, Stars Reach will deliver on its promises without disappointing any particular interest groups. Here’s hoping.

If you’re thirsty for more information, there’s a recent creator stream teeming with insights provided by Raph Koster and David Georgeson but absorb every detail will require a bit of work. The lengthy two-hour stream offers enough material to justify grabbing a snack or even a meal. For your convenience, I’ve included MMOBomber RedBeardFlynn’s full video below. Go ahead, hit play, and enjoy.

On another note, there were some standout facts mentioned in the stream that caught my attention.

Consider this– when you’re transforming a planet, a bunch of waste, like gravel, is inevitable. Players in the stream experienced this first-hand. So, what can be done about the gravel you don’t want cluttering up your magnificent creation? Playable Worlds revealed that Stars Reach has plans to introduce a “politician” role. Elected by fellow inhabitants of the planet, the elected could handle matters like waste management and infrastructure development.

Conversely, if the planet’s rules permit, you could opt for a more dictatorial rule over the planet. It definitely sounds like fun. Especially considering Playable Worlds has the ability to introduce new worlds on demand or seal wormholes to abandoned planets. Alternatively, these abandoned planets could be rejuvenated by players partial to playing hero.

The discussion on “item flow” was yet another highlight. Like sand in a sandbox spreading out as it piles up, materials in Stars Reach operate in a similar way. Interestingly, the stream revealed that getting trapped under a pile of falling material or being near a tree that collapses due to undermined support, could prove fatal.

Last but not the least—Stars Reach takes a page from “Star Wars Galaxies” by offering players an “entertainer” role. Although currently, dancing is restricted to certain areas like a home, the game expresses plans to expand this role further.

There were countless such interesting tidbits revealed in the stream which you can view in its entirety below.

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