Experience the excitement at the return of Gamescom Asia in 2024, a world-renowned computer and video games festival! This satellite event of Gamescom will feature a four-day line-up showcasing the best of the gaming industry and a delightful entertainment programme for game enthusiasts.
We are thrilled to announce that the highly anticipated entertainment zone will welcome participants physically for the first time! Attendees are encouraged to join us at Suntec showgrounds and immerse themselves in the Gamescom Asia experience.
Targeted at promoting business opportunities, Gamescom Asia offers a unique stage for game developers in Southeast Asia to connect, collaborate and expand their audience reach. For international gaming studios, it provides a means to enter the dynamic Southeast Asian market, home to a growing gaming community and promising talents.
Be sure to check out the News Section for updates about the event and the Event Calendar to discover other fascinating events like Gamescom Asia 2023.
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