Celebrate Trove’s 9th Anniversary Sunfest with Your Sweet Tooth

The Trove game is celebrating its 9th anniversary, welcoming Sunfest along with its enjoyable features. The voxel-based MMORPG starts the festivities today for its PC gamers, offering decorations inspired by sweets, reintroducing dungeons based on cake themes, launching a new leaderboard, and presenting a fresh 10-stage questline.

You can earn Cake Coins by making your way through those cake-themed dungeons which can be utilized to collect event rewards. Each complete dungeon run could drop a fresh boat, a familiar ally, or one of two mounts. There’s also a chance of obtaining craft collections from the foes in the dungeon, which can be traded at the Sunfest Oven.

Delves from the previous year are coming back, though with notable alterations incorporated. To start, generic bosses won’t feature in them anymore. Furthermore, the Chuck Pinzo boss can be spotted in every third tier of the Delve.

On the PC version, Sunfest will be held until July 23rd. Make a point to visit the Sunfest Oven for acquiring new collections and decorations.

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